Microchip Scanners for Jockey Club Members



We’re excited to work with The Jockey Club and Datamars to help facilitate the transition to microchipping. Thoroughbreds foaled in 2017 and later will be required to have a microchip implanted to be registered with The Jockey Club.

Horses in stall

The Jockey Club is the breed registry for North American Thoroughbreds. In fulfillment of its mission, The Jockey Club, directly or through subsidiaries, provides support and leadership on a wide range of important industry initiatives, and it serves the information and technology needs of owners, breeders, media, fans and farms.

Datamars is a respected global supplier of high performance RFID technology, with over 25 years of experience providing solutions for livestock management worldwide.

Pet Travel, Inc. has been a resource for pet owners for over 18 years, providing information, products and solutions for the worldwide movement of animals.

We have set up a simple procedure for owners to obtain the latest technological development for identification from Datamars, the Compact Max. The Compact Max is a RFID scanner ideally suited for the owner that would like to provide identification and protection for their horse. While not only versatile, this is one of the most compact, full-range universal scanners on the market today. It is easy to use, extremely functional, and it’s re-chargeable!

Datamars Microchip Scanner Compact Max

For more information, and to place your order, click here. Save $10.95 by entering coupon code JOCKEY1095.

Pet Travel Store will ship your scanner on the same day as long as your order is received by 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

We look forward to serving the thoroughbred community!

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